Refurbished Laptops Should Not be Stored In High Temperatures

By | Feb 17, 2025

It doesn't matter if you have a new laptop, or one of the refurbished laptops we sell through our eBay auctions, heat can be the death of any electronic device,and that includes refurbished laptops. The recent press reports of overheating problems with he Apple iPhone 3G are a reminder that heat is the enemy of laptop computers. During the summer, heat from the direct sunlight, or the high internal temperatures inside vehicles can cause serious damage to electrical components. If no direct damage occurs the operation of a laptop at these high temperatures is questionable. When the outside air temperature is between 80-100 degrees the internal temperature of an automobile can reach 131-172 degrees. If you store your laptop in the vehicle trunk, and then try and use the laptop immediately after taking it from the vehicle, there is a high likelihood that it will not operate properly. The new mini notebook computers or Netbooks are also at risk because they are small and can be left in beach bags, or other enclosures that can be left in the direct sunlight. The rules regarding temperature and electronics devices are the same for cellphones, digital cameras, PDA's, and laptop computers. A good rule is to let your laptop cool off before you use it, if you inadvertently leave it in the trunk or interior of an auto on a hot summer day. Treat the recently acquired new, or Refurbished Laptop well in respect to it's environment and it will give you years of reliable service.

Originally posted 2009-07-03 16:42:11.

Refurbished Laptops And Reconditioned Laptops

By | Feb 17, 2025

Refurbished laptops are popular items with the large number of people buying the new Netbooks, and mini notebook computers, product returns to the product distributor, and open box laptops increase and are the source of many Refurbished Laptop bargains. [...] Continue Reading...

Originally posted 2009-06-30 21:55:18.

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